Piles Specialist in Pune

What Are Piles/Hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids, also known as piles, are swollen and inflamed veins in the rectum and anus that cause discomfort and bleeding. They can be internal (inside the rectum) or external (under the skin around the anus).

  • Types of Hemorrhoids
  1. Internal Hemorrhoids:

    • Located inside the rectum.
    • Usually painless but can cause bleeding.
    • May prolapse (protrude outside the anus) and become painful.
  2. External Hemorrhoids:

    • Located under the skin around the anus.
    • Can cause itching, pain, and swelling.
    • May form a hard lump due to blood clotting (thrombosed hemorrhoid).

Here are some of the Causes of Hemorrhoids

  • Straining During Bowel Movements: Increased pressure can cause the veins to swell.
  • Chronic Constipation or Diarrhea: Both conditions can lead to hemorrhoid formation.
  • Sitting for Long Periods: Especially on the toilet, which puts extra pressure on the veins.
  • Pregnancy: Increased pressure on the pelvic veins during pregnancy can cause hemorrhoids.
  • Obesity: Extra weight increases pressure on the rectal veins.
  • Low-Fiber Diet: Leads to constipation and straining during bowel movements.
  • Aging: Tissues supporting the veins in the rectum and anus can weaken and stretch with age.
  • Symptoms of Hemorrhoids
  • Internal Hemorrhoids:

    • Painless bleeding during bowel movements (bright red blood).
    • Prolapse (protruding hemorrhoid that may cause discomfort).
  • External Hemorrhoids:

    • Itching or irritation in the anal region.
    • Pain or discomfort.
    • Swelling around the anus.
    • Bleeding.
    • A lump near the anus, which may be sensitive or painful (thrombosed hemorrhoid).
  • Diagnosis
  • Physical Examination: For external hemorrhoids.
  • Digital Rectal Exam: To check for internal hemorrhoids.
  • Anoscopy: A scope to view the anal canal.
  • Sigmoidoscopy or Colonoscopy: To rule out other causes of bleeding.

Types of Hemorrhoids

  1. Lifestyle and Home Remedies:
    • High-Fiber Diet: Increases stool bulk and eases bowel movements.
    • Hydration: Drinking plenty of fluids helps prevent constipation.
    • Warm Sitz Baths: Soaking the anal area in warm water for 10-15 minutes.
    • Topical Treatments: Over-the-counter creams, ointments, and pads can relieve symptoms.
    • Cold Compresses: Can reduce swelling and pain.
    • Regular Exercise: Helps prevent constipation and reduces pressure on veins.
  2. Medical Treatments:
    • Non-Surgical Procedures:
      • Rubber Band Ligation: A rubber band is placed around the base of the hemorrhoid to cut off its blood supply, causing it to shrink and fall off.
      • Sclerotherapy: A chemical solution is injected into the hemorrhoid to shrink it.
      • Coagulation Techniques: Using infrared light, heat, or laser to harden and shrivel internal hemorrhoids.
    • Surgical Procedures:
      • Hemorrhoidectomy: Surgical removal of severe hemorrhoids.
      • Hemorrhoid Stapling: A less painful alternative to hemorrhoidectomy that blocks blood flow to the hemorrhoid tissue.

Symptoms of Hemorrhoids

  • Dietary Fiber: Increase intake of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
  • Hydration: Drink plenty of water.
  • Avoid Straining: Don’t strain during bowel movements.
  • Regular Exercise: Helps maintain regular bowel movements.
  • Avoid Prolonged Sitting: Especially on the toilet.


  • Anemia: Chronic blood loss from hemorrhoids can cause anemia.
  • Strangulated Hemorrhoid: If the blood supply to an internal hemorrhoid is cut off, it can lead to severe pain and tissue death.
  • Blood Clots: In external hemorrhoids, clots can cause severe pain and swelling.

Treatment Options

  • Severe pain or bleeding.
  • Symptoms persisting after a week of home treatment.
  • Prolapsed hemorrhoids that do not go back inside.


Hemorrhoids are a common condition that can cause significant discomfort. However, with proper management through lifestyle changes, home treatments, and medical procedures, most people can find relief. Preventive measures, such as a high-fiber diet and regular exercise, are key to avoiding hemorrhoids. If symptoms are severe or persistent, it is important to seek medical attention.

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