Piles, called Mulvyadh in Marathi and Bavasir in Hindi are common conditions affecting millions in India. It results from various factors, making every bowel movement visit to the toilet a dreadful one. If you have been suffering from piles, you aren’t alone. As piles specialists in Pune, we empathize with what you must be going through. However, the good thing is piles are treatable. So, you don’t have to live with it. All you need is the right piles treatment in Pune. But what causes piles, what are its symptoms, and the different treatment options for it? Let’s explore the answers.
What are Piles (Mulvyadh or Bavasir)?
Piles are swollen veins in the lower rectal and anal region. Medically, they are called hemorrhoids. There are two types of hemorrhoids – internal and external. Internal are inside the rectum and are usually invisible or painful. However, they can cause bleeding. On the other hand, external hemorrhoids develop under the skin around the anal region. These can cause pain, particularly if they form clots.
Piles Contributing Factors – Causes of Piles in Males and Causes of Piles in Females
Piles cause pain, discomfort, bleeding, and itching. However, what causes piles in males and females? The causes of piles in males and females are almost the same, with some gender-specific factors. We will look at the generic and gender-specific ones in the following section.
Common Causes of Piles in Females and Males
- Chronic Constipation or Diarrhea: Straining during bowel movements can increase strain on the anal and rectal veins causing hemorrhoids.
- Low Fiber Diet: A low-fiber diet can harden stools and cause constipation, complicate bowel movements, and make the body prone to piles.
- Obesity: Excess weight can stress the pelvic veins, resulting in hemorrhoids.
- Straining During Bowel Movements: Whether due to constipation or lifting heavy objects, straining increases pressure on the rectal veins.
- Prolonged Sitting: Sitting for a long time in the toilet can increase pressure in the anal region and result in piles.
- Aging: Aging weakens the rectal and anal veins, making them more susceptible to irritation and swelling.
- Genetic Predisposition: In some cases, people inherit piles due to weaker veins or poor circulation in the rectal region.
Gender-Specific Causes of Piles and Females and Males
- Sedentary Lifestyle: People performing sedentary jobs can develop piles due to prolonged sitting.
- Heavy Lifting: Lifting heavy weights frequently can develop pressure on the rectal region and lower abdomen.
- Pregnancy: The growth of the uterus during pregnancy can pressurize the veins in the lower abdominal and rectal region, causing hemorrhoids.
- Childbirth: Straining during labor can worsen piles, as the rectal area experiences immense pressure during childbirth.
- Hormonal Changes: Women undergo hormonal changes during menopause or menstruation that impact the veins, making some women prone to piles.
Symptoms of Piles
The degree and type of symptoms vary with the individual, depending on the condition’s severity. However, here are some symptoms found in most people.
External Piles Symptoms
- Irritation or itching in the anus
- Discomfort or pain around the anus
- Anal swelling
- Sensitive or painful lumps near the anal area
- Bleeding during bowel movements
Internal Piles Symptoms
- Painless bleeding during bowel movements
- Prolapsed piles protruding outside the anus may cause pain and discomfort
- Feeling incomplete evacuation after a bowel movement
- Anal mucus discharge
Piles Treatment in Pune – Options
You can treat piles in various ways. While some feel relieved with home-based remedies, a few others require advanced medical treatments. Let’s look at both.
Piles (Mulvyadh) Treatment at Home
- Increasing Water Intake: Staying hydrated helps soften the stools, reducing straining that can worsen piles.
- Sitz Bath: It involves sitting in a shallow tub filled with warm water. Taking it a few times daily can help alleviate piles of pain.
- Topical Creams: OTC creams can help reduce discomfort, swelling, and itching. Nevertheless, you must consult your doctor to know what’s right for you.
- Ice Packs: Applying an ice pack to the affected region can help feel better.
Specialist Hemorrhoids Treatment in Pune
If home-based piles treatment options do not work, doctors will prescribe clinical ones. Some of them include the following.
- Infrared Photocoagulation: A bright infrared light is focused toward an internal hemorrhoid. It heats the area, and forms a scar tissue. The tissue helps block the hemorrhoid’s blood supply and shrinks it.
- Rubber Band Ligation: It involves placing an elastic band on the hemorrhoid base to block its blood supply, making the hemorrhoid shrink or fall off.
- Electrocoagulation: The procedure involves sending a low electric current into a hemorrhoid to form scarring. This scar tissue eliminates the hemorrhoid’s blood supply, resulting in shrinking it.
- Sclerotherapy: Piles doctors inject a liquid into an internal hemorrhoid, producing a scar that cuts off the hemorrhoid’s blood supply, thus shrinking it.
- Hemorrhoidectomy: It is a surgical procedure that involves removing severe or extensive external and internal piles. The doctor makes small cuts around the anal region to cut the hemorrhoids away.
- Laser Hemorrhoidoplasty: This is a minimally invasive procedure in which the laser the coagulates the hemorrhoidal blood flow.
Do you need piles laser treatment cost in Pune or book an appointment with one of the most trusted piles doctors in Kharadi, Pune? Call us at +91 8010691351. With over 12 years of expertise and experience treating 6000+ patients, Dr. Suhasini Jadhav can help you treat piles safely, effectively, and sustainably.